Tripura Labour Minister Tinku Roy on Thursday claimed that 20,000 people have been recruited in various government departments in the last three years. During a discussion on the unemployment issue initiated by Congress MLA Sudip Roy Barman, the minister said 20,000 people have been recruited in different categories -- regular scale, contractual and fixed pay -- in the government sector in the last three years. The minister said the process has already begun to fill up 20,000 more posts in various government departments. He claimed that the number of registered unemployed youths has reduced from 7,41,305 on March 31, 2018 to 3,09,882 on March 31, 2024. "It is not true that job aspirants are frustrated... The number of registered unemployed across the state has reduced by almost double from 2018 to 2024 due to all-out efforts to address the issue," he said. Earlier, Roy Barman attacked the BJP-led government, saying, "The number of unemployed engineers stood at 1,800 while there ha
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20,000 govt jobs given in last three years: Tripura minister Tinku Roy
September 05, 2024